Hiya, I’m Joy!
I love making your business look its best.
Does any of this feel like you?
You have a dream for your visual branding, but you + Microsoft Word are just not cutting it.
You know your product is amazing, but your DIY packaging is flat and boring - you just feel unprofessional.
You love sharing tidbits and training to your email list, but your PDFs aren't polished, and you know it’s hurting your conversions.
You spent wads of cash on a logo design and thought you were done, but now you need business cards, promo materials, t-shirts and whatnots.
You dream of an online class, but creating the graphics and downloads has you hiding under your desk eating all the chocolate you can find.
I'm so happy you're here!
As a designer, my very favorite thing is helping small businesses put their best face forward. I get to help others bring their ideas to life, market their products, reach their audience, and draw their imagination.
If you feel overwhelmed trying to make your small business look as polished on the outside as it is on the inside, I'm here to help.

Joy NAILED exactly what I was looking for and produced something beautiful, creative, and simple that worked perfectly, putting complicated concepts very clearly into great images.
- Dr. Jenev Caddell